Scholarships Fund Program 2025
The Florida Puerto Rican Parade, Inc. (FLPRP), is a 501 © (3) non-profit charitable organization established in 2016 to promote the Puerto Rican community culture, values, heritage, and contributions to the State of Florida. The Scholarships Fund Program Committee was created to identify and provide financial support to Puerto Rican students entering or already in a college institution. It is the goal of FLPRP to offer scholarships to qualified students each year based on financial need, scholastic merit, leadership, achievements, and other factors.
Generous contributors from; Corporate and Business entities, Community Organizations, and individuals help raise scholarship funding to assist students to reach their educational goals. We look forward to an ever-expanding list of partners that will support this program for many years to come.
Send the Application and required documents to
- Candidates must:
- Demonstrate potential for academic and leadership success within the community
- Must be born in Puerto Rico or be of Puerto Rican Heritage
- Indicate extracurricular activities including but not limited to sports and community activities
- Show academic performance (minimum unweighted 3.0 grade point average)
- Be high school seniors, GED recipients or currently attending college, technical college, or in university in
- Plan to enroll in a full-time accredited college or university;
- Complete a 1,000-word essay in Spanish or English in one of the following prompts:
Reflexiona sobre cómo los puertorriqueños pueden apoyar el uso de energía renovable y contribuir a la protección del medio ambiente. ¿Qué opciones pueden tomar las personas en su vida diaria para promover la energía renovable y reducir su huella de carbono? Discute cómo estas opciones pueden contribuir a la promoción y uso de fuentes de energía sostenibles en otras comunidades en Puerto Rico o Florida.
Reflect on how Puerto Ricans can support the use of renewable energy and contribute to environmental protection. What choices can people make in their daily lives to promote the use of renewable energy and reduce their carbon footprint? Discuss how these options can contribute to promoting the use of sustainable energy sources in other communities in Puerto Rico or Florida.
A. ¿Cómo puede la energía solar y la energía eólica satisfacer las necesidades energéticas de Puerto Rico o Florida en comparación con otras fuentes de energía renovables?
How can solar and wind energy satisfy Puerto Rico’s or Florida’s electric energy needs when compared to other renewable sources of energy?
B. ¿Qué acciones implementarías para motivar e inspirar a la comunidad puertorriqueña a adoptar prácticas más sostenibles?
What steps would you take to motivate the Puerto Rican community to adopt more sustainable practices?
C. ¿Qué transformaciones a nivel individual y comunitario son esenciales para acelerar la transición al uso de fuentes de energía renovables en la comunidad puertorriqueña?
What individual and community transformations are essential to accelerate the transition to the use of sources of renewable in the Puerto Rican Community?
D. Como líder comunitario, ¿qué acciones puedes tomar para fomentar e implementar iniciativas de energías renovables en tu comunidad?
As a community leader, what actions can you take to promote and implement renewable energy initiatives in your community?
- Please Note: In addition to individuals not meeting the above criteria, the following individuals and members of their immediate families are ineligible for the awards:
- Relatives of FLPRP Board
• Relatives or employees of any partner, sponsors, or affiliates of sponsors.
Qualified candidates may apply until February 27, 2025.
Candidates must complete the application form and all of its components before the deadline. Deadline extensions and incomplete applications will not be accepted and will be disqualified.
Candidates are responsible for gathering and submitting all required information. This is a competitive program. Applications will be evaluated based on the information supplied. Applications are to be returned to the email provided in our website scholarship link.
Scholarship award recipients are not eligible to repeat in future years.
Applicants will be evaluated on their academic and leadership qualities in school, workplace, and community. Semifinalists will be notified by email and phone call. This is a competitive program and all applicants will not be selected as semifinalists and not all semi-finalists will receive a scholarship.
Semifinalists will be required to submit the following documents within 7 days of notification of their selection:
- The current complete transcript of high school, college, or university grades;
- Nomination form is required to be completed by a teacher, academic counselor, or a high school principal. For college students, the nomination form needs to be completed by a professor or counselor.
- Awards will be granted each year provided funds are available
- Awards will not exceed $2,000 each year
- Awards are for undergraduate and graduate studies and may be used for education-related expenses, including tuition, fees, books, supplies, room, and board.
- Recipients are responsible for taxes that may be assessed against the scholarship award. Applicants should consult a tax advisor or IRS Publication 970 for more guidance.
- Checks will be issued at the Puerto Rican Parade Gala/Scholarships awards presentation.
- Checks are made payable to the student.
- Recipients must submit a completed Scholarship Acceptance Form before checks are processed.
- Recipients are required to notify FLPRP of any change in address, school enrollment, or other relevant information and to send a complete transcript when requested.
- Recipients will be invited to attend the gala/scholarship awards ceremony; guests are welcome at a discounted cost.
- Recipients must enroll as full or part-time undergraduate or graduate students and continue for the entire academic year without interruption unless approved by the FLPRP.
FLPRP reserves the right to review the conditions and procedures of this scholarship program and to make changes at any time, including termination of the program.
2024 Winners

Letters of appreciation
Good afternoon! I wanted to Thank you for the great honor of choosing me to receive the award and scholarship of the Florida Puerto Rican Parade and the Roberto Clemente Foundation with Bank of America. I cannot find enough words to express my gratitude and happiness in receiving the award at the Gala of the Parade, where I have been participating since it opened and where it is a privilege of participating alongside the Board and the Community. I will have all of you in my thoughts and close to my heart when I graduate in a few weeks from Orlando Science High School and at the same time complete my first year of Early College Admission at UCF, as I continue my studies in Medicine as a future Neurologist.
Thank you very much for this Magnificent Award and Scholarship. I cannot believe that I was chosen to receive this amazing honor. It is something that I will remember and cherish for the rest of my life.